Hi, I’m Mark! Thanks for stopping by my site. If you wish to get in touch, head on over to the contact page and you can use any of the options listed there.
- Website: This site! (source code)
- Notes: Technical notes about things I have learned (source code)
- nevermonetize: An easy way for websites to display a non-monetization commitment (source code)
- dotfiles: My configuration files
- catppuccin-minflux: A catppuccin theme for the miniflux RSS reader
- vikunja-tui: A terminal user interface for vikunja.io task management
- dwca-router: A web app to find a dwca occurrence across systems
In my day job, I currently work to make biodiversity data more accessible. I also work as an independent consultant. If you are looking for someone to help with a large technical change in your organization, especially if you in the Canadian public sector, please feel free to get in touch.
I enjoy reading, especially at various coffee shops. With others, I like playing board games or going out for a great meal. In the summer, I love a good backpacking trip, hiking, or kayaking!