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Saving RSS entries from Miniflux to Readeck

For previous users of Omnivore, RSS feed integration may be a highly requested feature within Readeck. While there is an enhancement request open, there is the ability to save RSS entires to Readeck from Miniflux right now[1]. This is done through an integration, and just involves generating an API key, no complex coding required. If you don’t want to self-host, both applications are available on Pikapods.

Generate an API key in Readeck

In the Readeck app, click on the settings button. Then, select API Tokens from the menu. Next, click Create a new API token. For the the application text box, I would suggest having it as “Miniflux” so you can remember what it is being used for. For roles, it just needs write access for bookmarks.

Setup the integration in Miniflux

In the Miniflux app, go to Settings > Integrations. Scroll down until you find Readeck, and expand the accordion to show the details. You need to select Save entries to Readeck. For the URL, enter the URL of your instance without /api at the end. Then, enter the API key created in the previous step and hit save.

In my Miniflux compose.yml I have BASE_URL set to the URL of the instance[2]. I don’t believe this is required for this particular integration, however something to try if you need to troubleshoot things. I have read some comments reporting trouble saving articles if both Readeck and Miniflux are on the same host, however I have not had this issue with both in containers running in the same stack.

Using the integration

When you are reading an article in Miniflux, simply hit the Save button in the top menu. Voila! The article should be sent to Readeck!

  1. Tested with Readeck v0.17.1 and Miniflux v2.2.5 ↩︎

  2. For an example compose file, you can refer to the Miniflux documentation ↩︎